Bing Go Street Food

I get a little overwhelmed in food courts on occasion. I usually arrive ridiculously hungry and desperate for a tasty lunch, but then I aimlessly drift from outlet to outlet trying to decide what to have. And more often than not I’ll just stick with what I know, the old favourites, but who knows what other exciting options I could be missing out on? Granted yes, confusion over what should I have for lunch is very much a first world problem, but it is my first world problem 🙂

So I quite like it when someone opens my eyes to something new and tasty. This was the case when I heard from Sean, one of the three owners of Bing Go Street Food. Had I ever thought about eating a Bing for lunch? Did I even know what a Bing was? Well no and no, but I was definitely keen! So I headed along with my good friend, the Colonel, last Wednesday to the site of their CBD store in the Enex food court.


So I should explain – what is a Bing?

A modern twist on China’s favourite street food. Savoury and sweet crepes made to order and served hot on the go! Our hot, made-to-order Bings are thin crepes lined with egg and a selection of fresh ingredients.

We built on the traditional Chinese Jianbing street food to bring you a substantial and nutritious wrap with the fresh ingredients of your choice. Our savoury Bings are made with high quality meat and fresh produce. Or for your sweet tooth, we serve mouth watering combinations of Nutella, strawberries and banana.


We arrived and started studying the menu. Now there was more than a little umming and ahhing at this point because there were many options that sounded super tasty, should I get this one, are you getting that one, but I finally decided to go with the Char Sui Bing (Char Sui Pork, Chinese Sausage, Mustard Vegetable, Char Sui Sauce $8.90), while the Colonel chose the Ying Yang Bing (Slow Cooked Lamb, Coriander, Spring Onion, Sweet Sticky Sauce $9.90). All Bings are made using a free range egg, lettuce, carrot and crispy wonton pieces.

The staff are clearly a talented bunch and like a well oiled machine you see your Bing come to life. Starting with the artistic swirl of crepe batter, rounded to a perfect disk before an egg is strategically smashed and cooked on top. Then depending on your preference the chosen meats, salads and sauces are assembled, before it is deftly rolled and wrapped in foil and next thing you know your number is called and it’s lunchtime! They don’t dilly dally it’s very much wham bam here’s your lunch ma’am.

We found a spare table nearby and eagerly dug in. The first bite is a little bit crepe heavy but they have to roll it up into a little pocket somehow, so it’s understandable and as it is, it is nice tasting crepe. There was plenty of chunky pork pieces and slices of the Chinese sausage and it had been loving lathered in the deliciously sweet Char Sui sauce. Yum! Then there was nice refreshing salad and some added crunch from some crispy wonton pieces, which sounded slightly askew when I had first heard they were making an appearance, but tasted like they totally belonged. Now I’m not the best with hand foods but I did my best to keep my Bing together and I think their the most part I nailed it.

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Across the table the Colonel had made quick work on his Ying Yang Bing and was similarly complimentary of the flavour. I was curious, as the representing lad, whether it was sufficient to fill him up and he confirmed that indeed it was.

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So there you go, spreading my wings to new and exciting options and coming up trumps with the Bings! Currently you can find a Bing Go Street Food stand at Enex, Karrinyup and Clarkson but they are planning on expanding further into the west in the next year (including into Cloisters Square – so they’ll be two in town!). Sounds good to me. And they’ll be seeing me again soon because I have my eye on the Peking Duck Bing for round two.

Thanks for my tasty lunch team Bing Go!

Bing Go Street Food - Enex100 on Urbanspoon

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Categories: Asian, Chinese, Food Court, Lunch, Reviews


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One Comment on “Bing Go Street Food”

  1. January 9, 2015 at 8:32 PM #

    That sounds like me in a food court too! haha Faced with too much choice, I panic and stick to my safe old favourite. I must try a Bing – sounds yummy 🙂

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